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Revolutionize classroom conversation

Increase student engagement and empower every voice with inline discussions — right in your LMS.

cartoon people using computers on clouds shaped like speech bubbles

Fostering meaningful dialogue

Increase student interaction around course content by inserting discussions right into your LMS content. Atomic Discussions helps students connect with other students. Inserting discussions into course content allows students to engage with one another around the learning material, similar to how they might on other websites.

Facilitate conversation directly in your students' learning space

Meet Atomic Discussions and ignite collaborative learning.

Cartoon hands holding signs that look like speech bubbles


  • Participate in threaded discussions
  • Upvote posts
  • Report inappropriate posts
  • Auto-detect inappropriate content with a profanity blacklist
  • Configure settings to make posts anonymous

Easy Reporting

  • Track overall student discussion participation
  • Filter discussion results by discussion, module or entire course
  • Export results to a CSV or PDF file
cartoon people talking to each other at a chalkboard

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