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Seamlessly discover, preview, and embed content

Leverage course content, content repositories, and OER to create, edit, and embed content into any course, assignment, and assessment.

overhead shot of cartoon using a laptop

Streamline content access and maximize efficiency

Search through your courses, multiple repositories, and content libraries from the same place. Create or edit your content and even preview it live as you're creating it — all without ever leaving your current course, assignment, or assessment.

Feature list

  • Add external content to any course, assignment, and assessment
  • Create and edit without leaving the LMS
  • Search multiple libraries and repositories of OER content from a single place
  • Access through Pages, Discussions, Files, Modules, Module Items, Rich Content Editor, and more
  • Safe and secure integration through LTI Advantage (1.3)
author screenshot showing search results ready to be inserted

Canvas Courses

Find content across the courses you have access to

Canvas Studio

Engage with students as you record, edit, and submit interactive videos

Canvas Commons

Create a learning object repository that helps you find, import, and share resources


Integrate with a library of shared content from other subject-matter experts

author screenshot showing sources